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We use only the best ingredients in our dishes, garnished with herbs from our own garden. The key to our pasta in particular is that everything is fresh and homemade. Your plate will look like a work of art in miniature.

Arthotelriposo Cortiledeibeati

Our restaurant with the romantic courtyard

The trattoria, in the heart of Ascona’s Old Town, unites gastronomy with the renowned zest for life of the Ticinese. Whether you’re dining in the courtyard that hosts weekly jazz concerts or on the panoramic rooftop terrace, the trattoria serves an eclectic blend of Ticino specialities and Mediterranean classics.

Siblings Lorenzo and Olivia make this a place where all friends of “la bella vita” can enjoy stirring blues music over a good glass of wine.


Opening hours
Sunday and Monday: closed
Tuesday to Saturday: Lunch: 12.00 to 14.00
                               Dinner: 19.00 to 21.00


Lunch à la carte
Dinner à la carte

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Cortile Dei Beati Art Hotel Riposo Ascona 20
Art Hotel Riposo Food 31
Art Hotel Riposo Food 58
Logo La Terrazza

Our terrace with a unique view over the rooftops of Ascona

Throughout the warmer months from May to September, weather permitting, guests can while away the evening on our panoramic rooftop terrace.

Dine on delicacies created by our trattoria under the stars.

Terrazza Art Hotel Riposo Ascona 46
Terrazza Art Hotel Riposo Ascona 55
Arthotelriposo Vineriacantinaccio

Our Cantinaccio
wine bar

Dug into the cool rock, our informal wine bar is perfect for convivial gatherings or some quiet me-time over a fine glass of wine from our almost inexhaustible list. The place for connoisseurs.
